i know this is an ancient thread, so hopefully people out there will remember these original Saltigas. I have the original Blue spool Saltiga 50 HK (great reel)
When i spin in free spool i have always had this shuck shuck shuck sound. Have always wondered what it is. It seems to free spool just fine.
The bearings are all fine.
is it the pinion gear that gets lifted up and spins on spool shaft that makes that noise. Because when the pinion is lifted to disengage from the main gear it is just sliding on the spool shaft?
On another note, i always see hybrid ceramic bearing 'kits' for the spools for this reel but they always have two bearings. there are three bearings supporting the spool, the two main ones (#3 and #10) and the one under the drag control cap (#44). The drag control cap works by pressing against the end of the spool shaft the bearing has nothing to do with the drag control, is just to support end of spool shaft. but why replace the two big bearings with high speed ceramic and leave that one ?
Any idea what has improved on the later Saltiga series, apart from the funky star drag design ?
On my original one i have a rubber water seal (#4) over the bearing on the right side (can see when remove spool, it covers the bearing) but i would think that seal would touch the spool and slow it down. it doesnt appear to have the same one on the tutorial above.?