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no 1 arrived in the Bluff , wind howling strong south easily what to do !!!!!
Quote from: Spud on October 13, 2015, 06:58:35 PM no 1 arrived in the Bluff , wind howling strong south easily what to do !!!!!Catch a movie?
Hi Reefman,I am new to the forum. Thank you very much for this article!! I have been searching for exactly this info and I think it's going to be a great help in my fairly new rock and surf endeavours.
Welcome camaroMAn . I should Reefman give you more pointers , He will [ hes got an all seeing eye LOL ] You make mention of cone sinkers or pyramids , I love fishing with them because you know they move around and will 'sit' when the sinker has rolled into a hole or gutter . The tricky thing when trying to direct people to areas they should cast is the fact that the fish are not in one specific area , keep in mind , they move with the tide , and thats where the trick comes in . you might fish the whole low tide in one area , just to move to another , and see someone else casting where you were fishing the whole time , ad vas he goes . pointers I can ADD . 1. fish are after food , so the food dictates the movement of the fish most of the time , second comes Wind/weather . 2.in my experience I have found if theres one fish theres more . 3.sometimes we try to help , but in the process confuse guys a lot , its not that hard to read the water , only in Flat seas its very hard if you don't know the area . 4 . referring back to point 1 above , Fish will size up the energy it will take to eat a meal , and the energy value of the meal [ baitfish or bait ] Fish like Kob are lazy buggers , they will sit in the current on the edges of banks and wait for food to pass by or get washed from the shallow bank . Other fish like Leervis and Elf just goes into a frenzy sometimes , and thats when the most of them get caught , don't know if its just the food that excited them or/and does water temp speed up their metabolism i think a bit of both ... 5 when in doubt , try some thing else you have notting to lose except a sinker or so , sometimes just a couple of meters to were your bait have been will be completely different . 6 fish the right conditions , I assume you are fishing Falsbay ? Now let me tell you if the weather /condisions are not conducive to fishing for Summer fish [ Elf Kob ] then don't waist your time . if those SW NW wind come in summer maybe the first day is still good . 7 . a long cast will not ensure you get a fish [ another mistake most guys make , I for one had this problem for many years , blamed my blanks on not casting far enough . ] I eventually stated getting fish on short casts , and in some seriously shallow water , lost of old salts will say ' your casting over the fish ' I never believed it but its true . 60 to 80 m will often out fish the guys casting 130 150 meters . 8 having bait in the water , and a never give up attitude will get you through those tough days and blanks NEVER GIVE UP ! Theres a bit of info to confuse you even more .... LOL